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Tropical Dreams Web Service

First of all, we are long-time Parrotheads....since 1969, in fact....before there were Parrotheads!! With 60+ concerts under our belt, we know what Parrotheads want and what Parrotheads need.

We consider ourselves "The Authority" on "Trop Rock," Island Music and "Buffettesque" bands and musicians. We support the efforts of these performers and would be happy to recommend one for your next Parrothead function.

Thank you for visiting us here at Tropical Dreams. Grab a cold Boat Drink, slip in a Buffett CD and take a tour of our island "paradise."

Our goal is to make Tropical Dreams your one-stop resource center for the things Parrotheads need to be "livin' out the lyrics Buffett wrote."

"If angst is your diet and serious thought is your idea of recreation, PLEASE DON'T STOP HERE. But, if you like the beach, need some escapism and like to laugh, stomp and dance, you've come to the right place!"

Keep coming back to Tropical Dreams and watch us evolve, always on the lookout for new and exciting "stuff" for you.



Thank you for your interest in Tropical Dreams. 

Got a question, comment or suggestion?

Please Email the bluedog@tropicaldreams.net

Copyright 2000 by Tropical Dreams, Ltd.
You must obtain written permission to use any content on this page.